zondag 27 januari 2013


This COMPLETE week, M had a horrible fever.. 
Just like everyday. we had some fresh orange juice in the morning, but for some extra energy...

We did a little more! 
We bought some blood oranges, kiwi's and pinapple and mixed the orange juice up with
some of these extra fruits!

For mister fever, a green monster!
2 oranges
1 quarter of a pinapple(cut in parts)
1 kiwi(cut in parts)

Press the oranges and mix them up with the cutted fruit in a blender and you're ready!

For the lady, a pink one!
2 oranges
2 blood oranges
1 quarter of a pinapple(cut in parts)

Press all the oranges and mix them with the cutted pinapple in a blender!

A good start of the week isn't it! 

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